Article 1: Denomination

We the members that undersign these statutes found the SCUDS association supporting proximity agriculture governed by the law of July 1, 1901 and the decree of August 16, 1901, named Société Coopérative Utilitaire de Distribution Solidaire.

Our name is «S.C.U.D.S.»

Article 2: Object

S.C.U.D.S. is the fair trade direct distribution chain for:

  • natural organic foods, beverages, cosmetics, vapes & essences from biodynamic sources.
  • algae-based fertilizers and pesticides; bioplastics; biofuels; hempcrete, hemp plastics and other hemp-based products; Graphene
  • agrivoltaics; thermal energy; hydrodynamic extraction systems; bio-digester systems; generators
  • beekeeping; vertical gardening; seeds, flowers, fruits, plants; plantations; algae; marine farming

Article 3: Head Office

The registered office is at the Oliveraies, Avenue des Courcettes. Golfe Juan, France

Article 4: Duration

The duration of this association is unlimited.

Article 5: Composition

S.C.U.D.S.general assembly consists of:

  • the founding members of May 1, 2019
  • all active members which have been approved by the board
  • so called immediate members affected by a chronic or fatal disease

All members of the association have voting rights in the general assembly.

Article 6: Contribution

The contribution due by each member is fixed monthly by the head office.

Article 7: Membership Conditions

The admission of the members is pronounced by the head office, which, in case of refusal, does not have to make known the reason for its decision. Any request for membership must be made in writing and addressed to the secretary of the association.

Each member undertakes to comply with the present statutes which are communicated to him upon entering the association.

Article 8: Responsibility Of Members

No member of the cooperative is personally responsible for its commitments, only the heritage of the association is responsible for its commitments.

Article 9: Resources

The resources of the association consist of:

  • Monthly membership fees
  • All resources authorized by law and jurisprudence
  • Subsidies granted by the state, local authorities and organisations

Article 10: Radiation

Membership is lost:

  • by resignation addressed in writing to the President of the association
  • by exclusion pronounced by the office for serious breach of these statutes, or serious reason
  • by non-payment of the subscription

Before making any decision on exclusion or expulsion, the member has every right to provide his explanations to the office.

Article 11 : General Assembly

The general assembly brings together all members of the coop up to date with their subscription. Other people may be invited, but without the right to vote. Every year on May 1st it is convened by the president, at the request of the Board of Directors or at the request of at least a quarter of the members. At least fifteen days before the date fixed, the members of the Association are convened by email and the agenda is written on the convocations. Moral and financial reports of the S.C.U.D.S. cooperative are presented to the General Assembly, for deliberation on all issues on the agenda. The decisions of the assembly are taken by a majority of the members present or represented. The treasurer reports on his management and submits the annual accounts to the assembly for approval. The secretary takes note of all decisions and drafts reports and minutes relating thereto, and reports on all interventions during meetings.

After the agenda, the outgoing members of the council are renewed.

Article 12 : Extraordinary General Meeting

The general assembly turns into an extraordinary general meeting when it votes amendments to this cooperative’s statutes. The methods of convening are the same as for the ordinary meeting. An attendance sheet will be signed and certified by the members of the board. Deliberations are taken by a majority of two thirds of the members present or of the votes cast. If the quorum is not reached at the first meeting, a second meeting may validly deliberate by a majority of the members present.

Article 13: Board Of Directors

The association is directed by a council of 14 members maximum, elected for 3 years by the General assembly. The members are re-eligible. The council of 14 members is renewable by thirds each year during the Ordinary General Assembly in March or April. The powers of the replaced members expire at the end of their mandate. The board of directors meets every month, except for exceptional events. Decisions are taken by majority vote, in the event of a tie, the President’s vote is decisive.

Article 14: The Office

The board of directors appoints from among its members (by secret ballot), an office comprising three members: The President, the Treasurer and the Secretary of the Association. The officers are elected for three years by the Board of Directors and are chosen from among its members. In case of vacancy (death, resignation, exclusion), the office will replace them at the next meeting.  Any person who is at least 18 years of age on the day of the election, a member of the association and up to date with his or her dues, may be elected to the office. The founding members of the association defined the composition of the first office during their constitutive assembly.

J. Coulibaly President | A. Robertson Secretary | T. Janke Treasurer

Article 15: Reunion

The office meets at least once a month.

The presence of all the members of the office is necessary to validly deliberate.

The deliberations of the office are recorded in a register and signed by the President and the Secretary.

Article 16: Powers Of The Office

The President chairs the Board of Directors, as well as the general assembly. He orders expenses and generally represents the association in all acts of civil life and in court. In case of absence or illness, he is replaced by the secretary. The secretary writes the minutes of the meetings, the minutes of the deliberations of the general assemblies, signed by the president and the members of the office and he or she is also in charge of all that concerns the correspondence and the archives, for example the minutes. The treasurer keeps the accounts of the association and has all power to open and operate under his signature all the accounts of the association in all financial or bank establishments. The duries of the officers are voluntary.

Article 17: Dissolution

In case of dissolution of the association, this can only be pronounced by an extraordinary general assembly, exclusively for this purpose.

Article 18 : Internal Rules

Internal regulations are established by the board of directors, which will be approved by the general meeting. These regulations are intended to clarify various points not provided for in the statutes.